Source code for flowws_unit_cell.Projection

import flowws
from flowws import Argument as Arg
import freud
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp, scipy.sparse
import sklearn, sklearn.cluster
import plato
import plato.draw as draw

def regularize_box(positions, box_matrix, dtype=None, dimensions=3):
    """ Convert box into a right-handed coordinate frame with
    only upper triangular entries. Also convert corresponding
    positions. Taken from garnett."""
    # First use QR decomposition to compute the new basis
    Q, R = np.linalg.qr(box_matrix)
    Q = Q.astype(dtype)
    R = R.astype(dtype)

    if not np.allclose(Q[:dimensions, :dimensions], np.eye(dimensions)):
        # If Q is not the identity matrix, then we will be
        # changing data, so we have to copy. This only causes
        # actual failures for non-writeable GSD frames, but could
        # cause unexpected data corruption for other cases
        positions = np.copy(positions)

        # Since we'll be performing a quaternion operation,
        # we have to ensure that Q is a pure rotation
        sign = np.linalg.det(Q)
        Q = Q*sign
        R = R*sign

        # First rotate positions and velocities; since they are
        # vectors, we can use the matrix directly. Conveniently,
        # instead of transposing Q we can just reverse the order
        # of multiplication here
        positions =

        # Now we have to ensure that the box is right-handed. We
        # do this as a second step to avoid introducing reflections
        # into the rotation matrix before making the quaternion
        signs = np.diag(np.diag(np.where(R < 0, -np.ones(R.shape), np.ones(R.shape))))
        box =
        positions =
        box = box_matrix

    # Construct the box
    Lx, Ly, Lz = np.diag(box).flatten().tolist()
    xy = box[0, 1]/Ly
    xz = box[0, 2]/Lz
    yz = box[1, 2]/Lz
    box = (Lx, Ly, Lz, xy, xz, yz)
    return positions, box

[docs]@flowws.add_stage_arguments class Projection(flowws.Stage): """Project the system using a previously-calculated set of basis vectors. This stage wraps the system into the box specified by a given box matrix and clusters the particles using sklearn. Either a density map or the final cluster centers can be visualized. """ ARGS = [ Arg('color_scale', None, float, 8, help='Scale to adjust colors by in the reduced unit cell density map'), Arg('minimum_distance', None, float, .2, help='Distance scale to use to cluster projected unit cell particles'), Arg('density', '-d', bool, False, help='If True, plot a density map instead of clustered points'), ]
[docs] def run(self, scope, storage): """Project and cluster the particles.""" box_mat = scope['basis_vectors'] # if we haven't yet selected a full set of basis vectors, just # skip this stage if np.abs(np.linalg.det(box_mat)) < 1e-4: return (positions, box) = regularize_box(scope['position'], box_mat) freud_box = coordinates = plato.math.make_fractions(box, positions) coordinates %= 1. positions = self.projected_positions = \ plato.math.fractions_to_coordinates(box, coordinates) types = self.projected_types = scope['type'] num_types = len(np.unique(types)) nq = freud.locality.AABBQuery(freud_box, positions) qargs = dict(r_max=self.arguments['minimum_distance'], exclude_ii=True) nlist = nq.query(positions, qargs).toNeighborList() rijs = (positions[nlist.point_indices] - positions[nlist.query_point_indices]) rijs = freud_box.wrap(rijs) rs = np.sqrt(np.sum(rijs**2, axis=-1)) distance_matrix = sp.sparse.coo_matrix( (rs, (nlist.query_point_indices, nlist.point_indices)), (positions.shape[0], positions.shape[0])).tocsr() dbscan = sklearn.cluster.DBSCAN( self.arguments['minimum_distance'], metric='precomputed') clusters = dbscan.fit_predict(distance_matrix) possible_clusters = list(sorted(np.unique(clusters))) cluster_indices = [np.where(clusters == idx)[0] for idx in possible_clusters] if possible_clusters[0] == -1: unclustered_indices = cluster_indices[0] cluster_indices = cluster_indices[1:] else: unclustered_indices = np.array([], dtype=np.uint32) cluster_centers = np.zeros((len(cluster_indices), 3), dtype=np.float32) cluster_type_fractions = np.zeros((len(cluster_indices), num_types), dtype=np.float32) cluster_histogram = np.array([len(ix) for ix in cluster_indices], dtype=np.uint32) for (i, indices) in enumerate(cluster_indices): ref = positions[indices[0]] shifted_positions = positions[indices] - ref[np.newaxis, :] shifted_positions = freud_box.wrap(shifted_positions) cluster_centers[i] = np.mean(shifted_positions, axis=0) + ref cluster_type_fractions[i] = np.bincount(types[indices], minlength=num_types)/len(indices) scope['box'] = = box scope['position'] = self.positions = cluster_centers scope['type'] = self.types = np.argmax(cluster_type_fractions, axis=-1) scope.pop('orientation', None) scope.pop('diameter', None) scope.setdefault('visuals', []).append(self) scope.setdefault('visual_link_rotation', []).append(self)
def draw_plato(self): min_length = min(*[:3]) pixel_scale = 600/min_length size = (min_length*4./3, min_length) box_args = dict(zip(['Lx', 'Ly', 'Lz', 'xy', 'xz', 'yz'], box_prim = draw.Box(**box_args) box_prim.width = min_length*.05 if self.arguments['density']: box_prim.color = (1, 1, 1, 1) color_scale = (self.arguments['color_scale']*len(self.positions)/ len(self.projected_positions)) prim = draw.Spheres(positions=self.projected_positions, diameters=.05) colors = np.zeros((len(prim.positions), 4)) colors[:, :3] = plato.cmap.cubeellipse(self.projected_types.astype(np.float32)) prim.colors = colors*color_scale features = dict(ambient_light=0, directional_light=(0, 0, -1), additive_rendering=True) scene = draw.Scene([box_prim, prim], features=features) else: colors = np.ones((len(self.positions), 4)) colors[:, :3] = plato.cmap.cubeellipse(self.types.astype(np.float32)) prim = draw.Spheres(positions=self.positions, colors=colors) scene = draw.Scene([box_prim, prim]) scene.size = size scene.pixel_scale = pixel_scale return scene